Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Tennesseein' Is Tennebelievin'

Tennessee has it all - green lowlands, majestic mountains and a couple of cities with the ghosts of musical geniuses floating between thousands of cowboys who have either reached stardom or who are aching to do so. The entire state is filled with musical heritage from country music in the west to the aching blues of the Mississippi Delta to the rhythms of Rock and Roll started by Elvis.

We started our adventure in Chattanooga which, unfortunately, was the beginning of the Trail Of Tears and saw the removal of the Cherokee Indians in the early 1800s. During the Civil War it played an important part and saw several battles at Lookout Mountain and Chickamuaga. After the war the city became a major transport hub and was part of the Cincinnati Southern Railroad service, famously known as the Chattanooga Choo-Choo.

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